chez-stats 0.1.6
Read and write delimited text files, compute descriptive statistics, and generate random variates in Chez Scheme.
$ akku update $ akku install chez-stats $ .akku/env
Travis Hinkelman
Information missing.
Source code git
Tag: v0.1.6
Package contents
- (chez-stats assertions) R6 Chez Scheme
- → check-empty-list check-is-list check-list check-quantile-type check-p check-p-exclusive check-positive-integer check-real check-positive-real check-real-gte-zero check-integer-gte-zero
- ← (chezscheme) Built-in
- (chez-stats delimited) R6 Chez Scheme
- → read-delim write-delim
- ← (chezscheme) Built-in
- (chez-stats random) R6 Chez Scheme
- → random-bernoulli random-beta random-beta-binomial random-binomial random-exponential random-gamma random-geometric random-lognormal random-multinomial random-negative-binomial random-normal random-pareto random-poisson random-sample random-uniform repeat shuffle
- ← (chezscheme) Built-in
- ← (chez-stats assertions)
- (chez-stats statistics) R6 Chez Scheme
- → count-unique correlation cumulative-sum diff interquartile-range kurtosis mean median mode quantile rank rep rle sign skewness standard-deviation sum unique variance weighted-mean
- ← (chezscheme) Built-in
- ← (chez-stats assertions)
- (chez-stats) R6 Chez Scheme
- → read-delim write-delim random-bernoulli random-beta random-beta-binomial random-binomial random-exponential random-gamma random-geometric random-lognormal random-multinomial random-negative-binomial random-normal random-pareto random-poisson random-sample random-uniform repeat count-unique correlation cumulative-sum diff interquartile-range kurtosis mean median mode quantile rank rep rle shuffle sign skewness standard-deviation sum unique variance weighted-mean
- ← (chezscheme) Built-in
- ← (chez-stats delimited)
- ← (chez-stats random)
- ← (chez-stats statistics)
Version history
- 2023-07-06 ~ 0.1.6
- 2023-06-30 ~ 0.1.5
- 2023-04-19 ~ 0.1.4
- 2023-01-06 ~ 0.1.3
- 2021-05-13 ~ 0.1.2
- 2020-09-21 ~ 0.1.1
- 2020-05-16 ~ 0.1.0